자세한 건 영상을 참고하세요!!
1) 나중에 얘기하고 재고할 때 revisit
2) 이거 끝나고 할게 I'll get to it after this
3) 타협/합의할 때 meet me halfway
4) 조금 알아봤다고 할 때 I did some research
5) 확정된 set in stone
#1: revisit: (시간이 지난 후에) ~을 다시 논의하다/재고하다
*캠브릿지 사전:
to talk or think about something again, with the intention of improving it or changing it
(talk/consider again 보다 더 희망적)
- 예문
Why don't we revisit this in the morning? <시차로 피곤하니 아침에 얘기하자>
You know, I'm a little jet-laggy. Maybe we can revisit this in the morning.
We'll revisit this sometime next year.
We'll revisit this sometime next quarter.
다음에 얘기하자고 할 땐 We'll revisit this another time.
<아이디어/제안을 부드럽게 거절할 때도 revisit>
At some point in the future, we can revisit this. But we can't do it now.
We will revisit the proposal as soon as we can.
<6주 후에 다시 논의/재고해보자> Can we revisit this in six weeks?
<나중에라도 그 대화를 다시 나눠야 한다고 할 때> We gotta revisit that conversation
#2: get to it: (열심히 하는 것보다 일단 시작하는 것에 포커스) 시작/착수하다.
이디엄: to begin doing something I'll get to it tomorrow.
내일 봐볼게/할게 <알았어~ 이따 할게> Yeah, I'll get to it.
- 예문
<특정 내용에 대해 얘기를 곧 시작하겠다고 할 때도>
- There is good news here, and I'll get to it in a minute.
- Rachel, whatever it is, it's going to have to wait. 용건이 뭐든 지금 바쁘니깐 나중에 얘기하자.
- Leave it on my desk, and I'll get to it sometime this week.
- Well, I'll get to it later.
- I'll get to it after this. 이거 끝나고 할게.
- 지금 당장 하겠다고 할 땐 I'll get right to it.
- A: Aaron, we don't have a lot of time. B: I'll get right to it, sir.
<다뤄야 할 내용이 많으니 바로 시작하자고 할 때> There's a lot to cover, so let's get right to it.
<바로 얘기한다고 할 때도> A: So, what do I owe this pleasure? B: Well, I'll get right to it, Frank.
*what do I owe this pleasure? 무슨 일로 오셨나요?
#3: meet me in the middle / meet me halfway: 서로 조금씩 양보하며 타협/합의할 때
There's definitely a way that you can meet in the middle and learn to communicate with each other.
That's a good question.
<타협하는게 어떻냐고 제안할 때> What do you say, meet me halfway?
*what do you day?: 어떻게 생각해?
Why don't you meet me halfway? Meet me halfway.
<가격 흥정/협상할 때>
Look, really we want 700.
You are offering 650. How about we meet halfway?
#4: 정말 많이 알아봤을 때 (~에 대해 노력했다는 것을 어필 할때)
I did a lot of research And you did a lot of research on the front end putting this together.
*put together : 준비하다
이것 저것 좀 알아봤다고 할 땐
I did some research Sidebar, Ron. I did some research, and NutriYums are terrible for you.
<확실히 하기 위해 이것 저것 알아봤을 때>
Of course, I did some research just to make sure.
#5: set in stone: 확정된
*캠브릿지 사전: to be very difficult or impossible to change
*Collins 사전: said to mean that something such as an agreement, policy or rule is not permanent and that it can be changed.
- 예문
Is it set in stone?
(변경의 여지는 없는지 물어볼 때) 그거 확정된거야?
<시험 날짜는 수업 진도와 상관 없이 확정됨>
- The exam dates are set in stone.
A: It's called Profiles.
B: Is that set in stone? It's not set in stone. 확정된건 아니야.
- They're not set in stone; We can actually change them.
- Nothing is set in stone. And you bring up a really good point, because nothing is set in stone.
* bring up: 말을 꺼내다. <글로 써서 공식화 하면 확정된거나 다름 없다며>
Well, Frank, once something's in writing, that means it's set in stone.
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